
Intuitive & Integration Coach

Private Coaching Available

Group Coaching Coming Soon

Sometimes when on the road to self healing and discovery, we hit realizations that are challenging to integrate back into our normal every day to day lives. If you are needing someone who has been there, and is able to help you navigate as you transition from the life you were living into the life you are creating, you have come to the right place.


Unraveling our stories to uncover our true potential

When I first started walking the path to healing, I really wished I could have had someone walking the path with me. As a recovering co-dependent I had a hard time learning how to trust myself. Healing really comes down to you. You are the one who is doing the healing. I am just here to help gently guide your attention to the places that you cannot see for yourself, your blind spots. In the end, the healing can only be done if you are willing to do the work, and become your own Guru. I am here to help guide you to yourself.