My Thesis: Iboga and Healing the Fractured Soul: Complex PTSD in Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse

This thesis explores the potential of iboga, a psychedelic plant medicine, in facilitating healing for survivors of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) who experience complex posttraumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD). CSA often results in fractured self-identities, persistent feelings of brokenness, and a host of somatic symptoms. This study explores the theoretical framework of C-PTSD, the process of dissociation, and the experience of the fractured soul. Using heuristic and hermeneutic methodologies, the research underscores the potential of iboga to induce profound introspection, dissolve ego boundaries, and foster spiritual insight. Assessing its benefits and risks as a therapeutic intervention, it discusses how various therapeutic modalities can be used by therapists to support a client’s psychological integration of their iboga experience. The thesis contributes to the discourse on innovative approaches to trauma healing and self-integration for survivors of CSA, offering a promising avenue for further exploration in the quest to heal the fractured soul.

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